Following your passion can be risky, as it may not guarantee you financial success. But you will find now more than ever, is the best time to pursue the field that you are interested in, is a lot more beneficial than doing something else.
There are several reasons to back this advice:
- Following your passion would always mean investing your time and energy in something that you love. That will further eliminate the chance of feeling bored. A large proportion of the working population is not happy with their jobs. But they might not be willing to quit due to various reasons. That’s also why they don’t like what they are doing throughout their career, which means that the output is below par. Doing something that interests you will never allow you to feel that way.
- You will never have to push yourself for work. Most of the tasks assigned in a job, feel monotonous and tedious. And after some time, even the performance of the employee starts degrading. Following your passion would mean that you work while following a schedule, with more productivity.
- Creative skills will have a lot more value in the future. The tide is turning and a lot more emphasis is put on arts and other streams that are less chosen. If you think that your passion is to pursue some creative field, then this will be the right time to make a good decision for your career.
- The world is on a go slow and it’s the right time to choose what you care about the most. It will be challenging, but after a few years, you will see great results.
- During this lockdown, you would have found it hard to stay positive. Following your passion would not just mean success and top-notch results in the long run, but also less stress and more happiness.
We are still under lockdown, and during leisure periods, it might not be a bad idea to try and do something that you like. There are chances that soon, it changes your life completely! Give it a try.